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Tarifinfo #1 (17th October 2023)

Dear colleagues, fellow students, and supporters,

by decision of the ver.di federal collective agreement commission for civil service (BTKöD), it is certain: our trade unions ver.di and GEW will make a collective agreement of the working conditions of student employees (student assistants) part of the upcoming collective bargaining round of the federal states. These will start on October 26 in Berlin. The next negotiation dates are November 2/3 and December 7/8 (both in Potsdam). Until November, we must be prepared to go on strike and take to the streets in support of our demands.

With their decision, the ver.di BTKöD followed our ver.di TV-Stud negotiating commission, which is made up of delegates elected by you from the ver.di regional districts and in which the demand discussions from the local initiatives and the GEW negotiationcommission were brought together on the basis of more than 7,000 demand surveys.

Why does official communication speak of “expectations” and not of “demand” for a collective bargaining agreement?

The distinction between demand and expectation stems from the fact that in theupcoming round of collective bargaining only the remuneration tables of the federalstates’ collective bargaining agreement have been explicitly terminated. In this context ourexpectations deal with legal reasons and say nothing about the nature of our concern. Thisalso does not affect any strike activities. Stay in touch with your local union secretaries andwatch out for (last minute) announcements. When the time comes, we will see each otheron the streets.

Our aim is a collective agreement for student employees, for instance via inclusion in the scope of the collective agreement of the federal states (TV-L).

  • (Recreational) holiday entitlement of 30 days (fulltime equivalent)
  • Regulation of continued payment of wages in case of illness (i.e. at least 6 weeksand beginning from the 1st month), annual bonus payment and surcharge for work at unfavourable working hours

Unser Ziel ist eine Entprekarisierung der Arbeitsbedingungen studentischer Beschäftigter. Kurzen Vertragslaufzeiten, Kettenbefristungen, unbezahlter Mehrarbeit und geringfügigen Beschäftigungen wollen wir ein Ende bereiten.

Our aim is to de-bureaucratize the working conditions of student employees.
We want to put an end to consecutive short-term contracts, unpaid overtime and marginal employment.

  • minimum contract terms of 24 months
  • work hour minimum of 40 hours/month (shorter working hours at the request of the employee)

Our goal are nationwide standardized job titles, standardized job descriptions forassistants and tutors as well as a standardized hourly wage.

  • 16.50€ in the 1st year of employment
  • from the 2nd year: 17.50€
  • from the 3rd year: 18.50€
  • calculation starts with the first contract of employment