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Rally in front of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Finance

On 6 September, TVStud Lower Saxony was able to extract another (small) concession from Lower Saxony’s Finance Minister Gerald Heere (B90/Die Grünen).

As part of our rally, we presented Heere with the study on the working conditions of student employees. In Lower Saxony, the regional government’s coalition agreement includes the promise of a collective agreement for student employees. We spoke to Heere about this and were assured that this promise is still valid.

To make sure he doesn’t forget it, 50 employees, activists and trade unionists once again explained the precarious situation at universities and colleges to him in a number of speeches in Hanover.

TVL (Tarifvertrag der Länder, i.e. collective agreement of the federal states) employees and AStA (student council) representatives were also present. This round of collective bargaining must point the way forward for the entire TVL sector.

We will no longer be fobbed off with one fixed-term contract after another, low wages and poor working conditions. We will get the collective agreement!

Images © Eike Führing