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Collective bargaining round 2023 – Let’s get started!

Are you a student assistant or tutor at a university, college or research institution?

Then it’s about time! Join us in determining our demands. Tell us what you want to fight for together with us to improve the working conditions of student employees.

Now it’s up to you:

In order for us to win a collective agreement for student employees in the collective bargaining round from October onwards – and thus, for example, higher wages, longer contract terms or more holidays – many student employees have to take part in drawing up the demands. This is the prerequisite for ver.di (the services union) to make the working conditions of student employees a demand in the collective bargaining round.

Therefore: Take 2 minutes, submit your demands by 30 September and forward the survey to your fellow student workers!

Why is participation linked to providing your telephone number?

This is because the employers are not giving us anything for free. We can only achieve our demands if we are many and take strike action if necessary. That’s why colleagues will call you during the collective bargaining round to inform you about the current state of negotiations and planned actions. Only together we can win!