We currently meet online every second Tuesday from 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm for an open plenary. There we exchange information about the situation in the local initiatives, celebrate our shared successes and plan the further course of action for the campaign, sharing and distributing responsibilities. This is also the place to address problems and questions that arise on the ground.
As the meetings are organised in a decentralised way, the zoom link often differs. To find out the current link, it is best to join our nationwide Telegram group. There we also share the agenda, which everyone can help to draw up.
In addition, there is now a network of student employees at non-university research institutions, who have so far been excluded from student collective agreements. We need even more non-university nationwide networking in order to increase organisational strength and become capable of negotiating here too!
For an overview of existing active groups and their contact details, click here.
We also provide a selection of campaign material for all initiatives.
Sign up for the newsletter to not miss any events or developments in the bargaining round.